4.5 Summary
The vasculature in healthy adults is kept in a quiescent state while maintaining the capacity to quickly respond to a variety of signals from the vasculature microenvironment. The integrity and functionality of the vessels depend on a dynamic and tightly controlled network of signals between all the components which build the vessel…
Test Module 4
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1. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) receptors are not expressed in normal intraocular tissues of the eye.
2. In the recruitment of new blood vessels, for angiogenesis, VEGFR-1 and VEGF2-2
3. Vascular permeability is mediated by which factor?
4. Which receptor possesses a higher affinity for VEGF
5. VEGF and its receptors are not expressed by which tissues of the eye?
6. Normal and healthy blood vessels have high endothelial cell turnover and vessels are therefore active.
7. What type of cell is primarily responsible for the breakdown and the blood retinal barrier (BRB)?
8. Macular edema is caused by
9. Which of the following does not characterize diabetic retinopathy?
10. A proper vascular microenvironment depends on a dynamic and tightly controlled network of signals between all the components which build the vessel.